As the sun was setting on the last night of our 2007 WVO Roadtrip, we started feeling a little hungry.
All along Highway 2, we saw signs for these mysterious “Pasties.” We decided to pull off and find out what all the fuss was.
We entered one of the few shops that was still open around 9pm, and asked the clerk what a “pasty” was. We pronounced it “pay-stee.” Without flinching, we reached behind the counter and handed us a few boob tassels.
Hardy har har.
That yooper got a chuckle out of goofing on us, and then told us it’s pronounced “pa-stee.” And a pasty is basically a meat pie in a calzone crust. We got two pasties and headed back on the road.
It was a terrible drive back to central Wisconsin. There were deer and moose everywhere, so we had to drive 35-40mph for the entire time in the U.P. and Wisconsin. We made it back just in time to crash out in a tent that my family had set up for us on our journey back from the roadtrip.