The Atlantic coastal drive was kind of fun on the 2015 WVO Roadtrip. Near Blanc Sablon, we got to see actual icebergs floating passed us as we drove to our ferry.
Much to Glenn’s dismay, we were not done with Quebec when we left the Barrage Daniel Johnson. For a few miles, we’ll be in Quebec for a few minutes while we wait for our ferry. Thankfully for him, very few people in this remote area only spoke French.
The ferry from Blanc Sablon to Newfoundland is pretty small. It’s only a one-hour ride and you can see the island across the gulf.
The wildcard is getting a ticket. Priority goes to other people, since we hadn’t bought our tickets in advance. We managed to get in line, and had to wait and see if the ferry would have room for our van and us. With one extra person after us, we were included in this particular fare.