This town is not really set up for tourists yet. There are only a few tour guides and places to stay, and there are no restaurants. However, there is one entrepreneurial family selling muskox burgers, muffins, and granola bars out of a tent. IIRC, it’s called “Tyson’s Burgers” and he’s grilling up around lunch time. A woman in the tent sells the best granola and muffins with local berries she’s collected on the landscape.
We ended up buying something like 20 granola bars from her and plenty of burgers and muffins. She was confounded on someone could request so much food. I think their culture has a different consumption standard than what we are used to.
Muskox burgers were tasty. They definitely tasted oilier and different, but still good with cheese and toppings. I put a bunch of veggies on my burger and after visiting the general store, I probably ended up eating $10 worth of lettuce. Prices for vegetables up there is EXPENSIVE.
We took the rest of the food from Tyson’s Burgers with us for the trip back to Inuvik and Dawson City. We fought over those granola bars.