2006 Journal of Events and WVO Maintenance
Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Mexico, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin
Saturday April 22, 2006 through May 1 2006.
2:30am CST Saturday Wausau WI.
We left a half hour late, but it was no big deal. We had loaded up 27 cubies into the wagon the night before and did some last minute checks on the system and engine. We immediately hit some light rain and fog all the way to Minneapolis which reduced our speed to barely 45 mph. Once Glenn took over the wheel we drove considerably faster regardless of the conditions.
For the rest of the trip, we used the radio for our clock. Since Glenn was so busy trying to get the car ready for the five-thousand mile trip, he couldn’t reset it. Also there was some other reason why we couldn’t change it, but it slips my mind. Anyway, our following entries will use something called GN time which is the reading on the radio clock. It’s generally about one or two hour ahead of the regional time.