Roswell is one of our favorite places on the continent. It’s a great little town in the middle of nowhere. They have a little of everything.
Here’s an entrepreneurial MacDonalds owner that made a UFO themed version of the typical burger joint.
It was such an intriguing design, that we felt compelled to stop in and get some food. We normally don’t like to shop at these multi-national companies, but the local owner really put in a lot of work to give it some character.
Then we went to the International UFO Museum and Research Center.
If you don’t know, Roswell is a destination for conspiracy theorists about a UFO crash landing in 1946. Ever since, people have flocked here to investigate things further on their own. Several Roswellians have set up shop to cater to these tourists. So we took advantage of this industry.
On the way out of town, we did even more repairs in the hopes that we can make it to St Louis without more breakdowns.