After a few days of tinkering with the van and trying to diagnose the excessive oil consumption issue, we got on the road in the evening. Glenn warned me that we might get BLM’ed once we get to the Cities, but I blithely disregarded that nonsense.
Cruised to the junction of the St Croix and Mississippi river, so that we could follow Highway 12 all the way up through the Twin Cities along the river. Well, as close as we could.
Ended up driving passed stadium along the way.
The city was all lit up in the distance.
Some church.
Then it happened. We got BLM’ed. There was some kind of murder or memorial at a gas station, and all the BLM’s were blocking the road to the river that we had planned to visit. It was wild. We tried to jump the curb, but it was no use. Then we took a right and a left and a right and a left, until we reached a long dark roadway down a hill.
To our surprise, it ended at a boat landing in the middle of the city. We got to go right up to the Mississippi river in the middle of downtown. Pretty cool coincidence.
Unfortunately, it was really really dark down there, so I didn’t have any light. Whenever we used a fleshlight to brighten things up, it attracted too many mosquitoes, and also, all the cars full of fornicating youths got really upset and stormed off. We kind of blew up their spot. Nothing to worry about, we gotta get on the road to Brainard.