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Golden Star Restaurant in Lloydminster

Golden Star Restaurant in Lloydminster

  • Author: admin
  • Date Posted: Jun 27, 2010
  • Category:

Lloydmeister, AB. 205885. 8:12pm Sun.
Added 1 cube.

We drove across Saskatchewan and saw lots of interesting farms.

The sights were really nice, and as the sun started to set, we figured we pull off to find some food.

We made the mistake of going to Golden Star.  Some intense Chinese food. If you are Lloydmeister, stay away from the “Golden Star” restaurant on the Yellowhead. The buffet was $15 and it had several items I’ve never heard of. One group of customers actually came in when we were there, and then they looked at the buffet and walked out. Too bad we didn’t think of that. That’s the second Canadian-Chinese fusion we had that was a bust. Same goes for the Chinese food in Wawa.


