Excelsior Springs, MO. 12:00-2:30pm Tues
Prior to the trip, we found some interesting sites in northeast Missoura. First off was heading up to Excelsior Springs. They have some interesting history, notably the hot springs spas set up in the works projects of the 30’s to cure people’s buttholes. One piece of architectural interest was the Hall of Waters. It’s an amazing piece of Art Deco work, and there is a self-guided tour of the grounds. One downside was that they were doing a lot of work on the outside and inside. I’m sure it’ll be in primo condition once they wrap up the maintenance. Check out the dilapidated pool in the basement if you bend the rules a little. If you have time, go visit the museum next to the Hall as well-they had some really nice people that toured us through an old-timey bank full of E.S. memorabilia. No pics of the bank allowed though. Here’s the hall: