I love your site. Whenever you are down in LA, send me a note.
As for the transcripts, I know Neil said it would be uploaded. For a while it was, but now that I check out the USC Video site, it’s no longer up there. I’ll look into it, but it appears to offline. As for Patrik’s presentation, we’ve been pushing this link around the office. The place split 50/50 with respect to those who adhere to it, and those who reject it. It appears rejection is growing though.
Ok, thought I’d ask just for the hell of it: Are there recordings or transcripts of this stream available anywhere?
I love your site. Whenever you are down in LA, send me a note.
As for the transcripts, I know Neil said it would be uploaded. For a while it was, but now that I check out the USC Video site, it’s no longer up there. I’ll look into it, but it appears to offline. As for Patrik’s presentation, we’ve been pushing this link around the office. The place split 50/50 with respect to those who adhere to it, and those who reject it. It appears rejection is growing though.