After 8 hours of archiving all my work from the last 15 years, I’ve been able to condense dozens of zip disks, CD’s, and DVD’s into one micro USB fob. I have a few things to say:
Consider again that fob. That’s it. That’s home. That’s everything.
On it everything I rendered, everything I animated, everything I have scripted, every 3d model that ever was, saved out in neat folders.
The aggregate of my joy and suffering, thousands of disparate file types, platforms, and operating systems, every .mb and .3dm, every .jpg and .tif, every .catvba and mel, every .psd and .ai, every .dwg and .dxf, every .zip and .rar, every .pdf and .ppt, every corrupt .rvt, every “.fla,” and every .doc and .xls in the history of my life lives here – on a mote of silicon suspended in the glow of a desk lamp.
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