ApplyColorToObjectSafe MEL

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I made this modified shader function from my older ApplyColorToObject command because I sometimes would get a naming error. The old function, if the name already existed in the file, would kill the script due to naming conflicts. This should resolve that conflict.

global proc string ApplyColorToObjectSafe(string $ObjName, string $MatType, float $RVal, float $GVal, float $BVal, string $ShaderName, int $Counter)  {
	//Nick Pisca 0001d 2011.
	//ApplyColorToObjectSafe("pTorus1", "lambert", 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, "CurShad", 23);
	//string $ObjName="extrudedSurface1"; string $MatType="blinn"; float $RVal=0.3; float $GVal=0.8; float $BVal=0.3; string $ShaderName="HH"; int $Counter=6;
	string $NL = $ShaderName;
	string $nicklambert = $NL+$Counter;
	string $TRK = `shadingNode -asShader $MatType -n $nicklambert`;   
	string $nicklambert = $TRK;
	string $nicklambertSG = $TRK+"SG";  			//$NL+$Counter+"SG";
	string $nicklambertoutcolor = $TRK+".outColor";  	//$NL+$Counter+".outColor";
	string $nicklambertSGsS = $TRK+"SG.surfaceShader";  	//$NL+$Counter+"SG.surfaceShader";
	string $nicklambertcolor = $TRK+".color";  		//$NL+$Counter+".color";
	sets -renderable true -noSurfaceShader true -empty -name $nicklambertSG;
	connectAttr -f $nicklambertoutcolor $nicklambertSGsS;
	select -r $ObjName ;
	sets -e -forceElement $nicklambertSG;	
	setAttr $nicklambertcolor -type "double3" $RVal $GVal $BVal;
	return $nicklambert;

Related Commands: ApplyColorToObject

More information on applying materials, read pages 128-133 in YSYT.