Difference between revisions of "ACAD Block Z-Height"

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(Created page with " Sub CCCmain() Dim AttrText As String AttrText = ZcoordForm.AttributeText.Value Dim RemoveP As Boolean RemoveP = ZcoordForm.RemoveParenthesesBox.Value For objco...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 04:44, 22 April 2017

Sub CCCmain()

Dim AttrText As String
AttrText = ZcoordForm.AttributeText.Value

Dim RemoveP As Boolean
RemoveP = ZcoordForm.RemoveParenthesesBox.Value

For objcounter = 1 To AutoCAD.ActiveDocument.Blocks.Item(AutoCAD.ActiveDocument.Blocks.Count - 1).Count '236

    Dim objUnitTag
    Set objUnitTag = AutoCAD.ActiveDocument.Blocks.Item(AutoCAD.ActiveDocument.Blocks.Count -  1).Item(objcounter)
    On Error GoTo JJJJJJ
    Dim varAttributes As Variant
    Dim objtest 'As Boolean
    'Set objtest = objUnitTag.HasAttributes 

    If objUnitTag.HasAttributes Then
        varAttributes = objUnitTag.GetAttributes
        'Loop through attributes
        For i = LBound(varAttributes) To UBound(varAttributes)
            If varAttributes(i).TagString = AttrText Then
                'Set new attribute
                If RemoveP = True Then
                    strfieldstring = Mid(varAttributes(i).TextString, 2, 5)
                    strfieldstring = varAttributes(i).TextString
                End If
                Dim Zexisting() As Double
                ReDim Zexisting(2)
                Dim ZEValue As Double
                Zexisting = objUnitTag.InsertionPoint
                ZEValue = Zexisting(2)
                Dim varTo() As Double
                ReDim varTo(2)
                Dim varFrom() As Double
                ReDim varFrom(2) 

                If strfieldstring <> "" Then
                    If strfieldstring < 100000000 Then
                        If strfieldstring > 100 Then
                            AutoMove ZEValue, strfieldstring, objUnitTag
                        End If
                        strfieldstring = Mid(strfieldstring, 1, 4)
                        If strfieldstring < 100000000 Then  

                            AutoMove ZEValue, strfieldstring, objUnitTag
                        End If
                    End If
                End If 

            End If
    End If
Next objcounter

End Sub

Sub AutoMove(ZHtExisting As Variant, ZProjected As Variant, UnitElement As Variant)

                    Dim varTo() As Double
                    ReDim varTo(2)
                    Dim varFrom() As Double
                    ReDim varFrom(2)
                    varFrom(0) = 0: varFrom(1) = 0: varFrom(2) = ZHtExisting
                    varTo(0) = 0: varTo(1) = 0: varTo(2) = CDbl(ZProjected)
                    UnitElement.Move varFrom, varTo

End Sub